Rapid Boards Review: A Podcast for Medical Students

Daniel J. Campbell, MD

Welcome to Rapid Boards Review

In this podcast, it is our goal to review high yield boards concepts with you in a format that is easy to listen to on the go

We are not a textbook

We are not a question bank

We are an audio boards review that will go over high yield boards associations in a rapid Q/A format

Email: RapidBoardsReview@gmail.com

Support our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/rapidboardsreview1 Review Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bbgTLz6RkfZM8CAdZqkXofWErXmAsSHHVAYAjhr9mJ4/edit?usp=sharing

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36 - Step 1 Review | Path #3 | Oncogenic Microbes Pt 3


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